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Press Release October 10, 2019

Toyia Tucker to Bring 2025 Columbus Vision to District 4

It’s been a long time coming, but Columbus, GA native and G.W. Carver High School graduate, Toyia Tucker is ready to see change in her community. Inspired by the Columbus 2025 goals of reducing poverty, increasing prosperity and improving the quality of life for everyone who lives here, Toyia Tucker is ready to get to work. Toyia was asked what led her to use Columbus 2025 as the foundation of her campaign platform. Tucker replied, “It just makes sense. I’ve been paying attention to the discussions centered around this initiative for a while now, and I see the changes happening. It’s an awesome initiative, the committee has put a lot of thought into the strategic plan, and I think we should work to see it come to fruition in every neighborhood in this city. Why reinvent the wheel, when an excellent strategic plan for the city already exists?” Tucker’s perspective and voice offer a fresh, unique way of looking at a District that’s ready to level up and become a more vibrant, connected neighborhood. 

After an outstanding career in the Air Force, Toyia Tucker is ready to take her service before self-attitude and pour her time and talent into District 4.  When asked if she was ready to follow in the footsteps 31 year veteran city councilor, Evelyn Turner Pugh, Tucker acknowledges having very big shoes to fill.  “Evelyn paved the way not only for District 4, but for the city at large. I want to continue her legacy and make improvements to District 4 that will directly benefit its residents.  I want to ensure that the pool at Shirley B is repaired, and I want to see Carver Park become a vibrant and connected place w/ walkable trails and beautiful spaces for the community to use.  Ultimately, I want to ensure that District 4 has safe livable spaces just as we are seeing in other parts of the city. 

Toyia Tucker’s vision for District 4 highlights four primary areas that she will discuss at length in the coming days, weeks, and months leading up the election. Phase III of Columbus 2025, The Regional Prosperity Initiative seeks to, “increase prosperity, reduce poverty, and improve quality of life.” Tucker points out that those are the exact things that the residents of District 4 would like to see happen. From there, Tucker says, “I want to focus on long term initiatives for developing talented/educated people, economic growth, and community revitalization in District 4. However, we must first begin to tackle public safety issues, and then begin to gradually tackle the other key areas.” It’s safe to say Toyia Tucker will definitely be working hard for a better Columbus!

Visit My Website: https://electtoyiatucker.com/

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